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The Sound and How We Hear It 5795 
What is the Sound? 5795 
The sounds and my stereo 5795 
"Neutral" versus "Bland" 5795 
An audio Dic 5794 
Music's ingredients 5794 
Something for Nothing 5794 
Distortion and neutrality 5794 
Synesthesia and audio? 5794 
Good and bad tone? 5794 
The additive and subtractive listening 5793 
Additive error and Seven levels of Listening 5793 
The propagation of listening attention across the levels... 5793 
Copernicus, Ptolemy, and Listening 5793 
Romy's Unvollendete... 5793 
The point: variations in listeners 5793 
Just another brick in the wall 5793 
Effects can be mutually exclusive 5793 
Random access memory 5792 
7 Level 5636 
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