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Title   (click to get more information) Price ($) Listed by Image
  CEC TL-0 MK2 transport  $7.500 Contact
  Musatex’s Bidat Model "FSA" 16-Bit D/A converter  $7700 Contact
  Pacific Microsonics Model One  $13.200 Contact
  Musatex-TP Bidat 20-Bit D/A converter  $7.700 Contact
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Category: Digital CEC TL-0 MK2 transport Edit  |  Go Up
You might not know but CEC was imported to US buy batches – some of them were better, some worse and some of them did not work at all. Here is the CEC TL-0 MK2 from the most successful batch. The transport in perfect shape and performs flawlessly. It is the most bass and proper rhythm capable transport even was made and it outputs so much information from a disk that it easy overwhelms a regular DAC. So, you need to use caution and sense in selection of a DAC that you will mate with this transport. The transport never was shipped (shipping kills this transport) and I strongly encourage to pick it up.
Terms: prefer do not ship
Contact Email: Contact Contact Site: Link Price: $7.500

Category: Digital Musatex’s Bidat Model "FSA" 16-Bit D/A converter Edit  |  Go Up
Here is the DAC that would make you to laugh about the entire “progress” in digital audio and let you credibly showing a big middle finger to any owner of dCS, ML, Spectral, Metronome, EmmLab, Forsell, Weiss, DB, AN, Theta, SF, Accuphase, Wadia, Pass, Zanden, Boulder and so on. Combined with articulate and capable transport a good Bidat yields a performance that would make you to be very calm about what digital could and could not do. I did not say that a well-tampered-Bidat is the best DAC out there just because I’m selling it, but because I know the rules of this game and I know what have ended up first at the finish line. This severally adapted Bidat Model "FSA" with a separate PS is your unique chance to touch something that only could be sources for legends in the today’s digital audio.
Terms: SOLD
Contact Email: Contact Contact Site: Link Price: $7700

Category: Digital Pacific Microsonics Model One Edit  |  Go Up
This is very large two-chassis Pacific Microsonics Model One AD and DA processor that considered by some people as the best AD, DA, rate conversion and limiting machine even done. The unit is in excellent cosmetic and functional condition.
Terms: SOLD
Contact Email: Contact Contact Site: Link Price: $13.200

Category: Digital Musatex-TP Bidat 20-Bit D/A converter Edit  |  Go Up
A exclusive version of infamies Bidat. This unit has external custom power supply and completely new describe output MOSFET stage. The output stage and the out filter are built with no use of capacitors. The front digital end is the original Bidat’s. This is as unique Bidat as it could theoretically get.
Terms: SOLD
Contact Email: Contact Contact Site: Link Price: $7.700
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