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07-04-2008 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
Posts 2,595
Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 1
Post ID: 7742
Reply to: 7742
Rubinstein at Carnegie Hall, 1961
RCA LSC 2605; stereo.

A very nice recording taken from "the best" of Rubinstein's much-ballyhood 10-recital series, as noted.  Some Debussy is included, which is why I remembered it at this time.  In this case, Rubinstein seems to tie Debussy together with a very interesting take on time, which is not something I noticed before I compared it to the Walter Gieseking, recently posted.

I remember being quite taken with this Debussey the first time I heard it; such a "modern" rendering, with R showing excellent patience in developing the work, and an amazingly "even" exposition, all considered.  Nice, in a smart sort of way, and very listenable, if not wholly-inspired.

Then, I heard almost exactly the same thing with the Szymankowski, Prokofieff and Villa-Lobos that are also included on this LP...

This, I found somewhat deflating...

Paul S
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