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» Ale horns on ebay possib»
» Magico Mini or Jonathan »
» Kharma Speakers as pH-in»
» A very slow monolog abou»
» New Barenboim’s Bruckner»
» Mid-bass Hornresp (V51.3»
» Disregard the industry p»
» Rach’s Prelude in C-shar»
» The single-ended pretens»
» Remembering Sound…
» K-Stereo Ambience Recove»
» Wanted Vitavox S2 Origin»
» About the life-expectanc»
» John Cage about silence »
» Nanse Gum and his Euro-A»
» Ultimate Turntable?
» An educational Eugenie’s»
» The beauty of Cannibalis»
» It looks like Brits will»
» Digital crossovers self-»
» The fantastic Lucas Deba»
» Just Hi.. and my audio b»
» The DSET perspective exa»
» Sarah Chang last night a»
» Montreal Audio Show 2013
» Used car salesman as a d»
» “How audio might sound”
» Ever thought about how m»
» Macondo's Axioms: Horn-l»
» About the Audio Neutrali»
» Tree motors from one sid»
» Another Boston Radio Sta»
» THE book on intonation
» Integrated sound field o»
» Marantz MA-9S2 Monoblock»
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» Balanchine’s “Pathetique”
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Audio Knowledge Tree - hierarchical collection of Club's audio content. Click a subject to expand articles
Analog source and analog related accessories
 Turntables (8)
 Tonearms (9)
 Cartridges (14)
 Analog set-up (5)
 Accessories (2)
 Phonostages (18)
 Step-up transformers (1)
 Tuners (6)
 Tape machines (2)
Digital source and digital related tools
 Transports-Players (17)
 D-A Processors (18)
 Recorders, A-D Processors (14)
 A need for Resolution /Sampling Assessment Test
 ADC Bingo!!!
 AES/EBU to S/PDIF adapters
 Analogue to digital converter comparison
 Computer digital storage
 DC offset for A/D converters.
 Digital recorders: what the "big boys" use?
 Horns and digital crossovers.
 How to manage the digital files.
 How to record FM broadcasts.
 Metaxas-Wolfson ADC with Sound Devices SD744T
 Re: some thoughts on the avalable good DACs...
 Recording options: Pacific Microsonics vs. Lavry Gold.
 Reel-to-Reel Tape vs. Raw Better Digital
Line-level and power electronics
 Line-level Amplifier (13)
 Power Amplifier (49)
 Crossovers (7)
 Vacuum tubes (58)
Acoustic system and listening room
 Horn loaded (160)
 Boxed (34)
 Opened baffle (8)
 Speakers setup (27)
 Listening Rooms (17)
Secondary audio devises and trivial Gizmos
 Cables (7)
 Power lines and supplies (10)
Listening Practice
 Evaluation methods (70)
 Collection Organization (5)

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AUG 1 Borromeo String Quar»
AUG 1 Cantos y Suspiros in»
AUG 1 Danish String Quarte»
AUG 2 Les Delices in Vario»
AUG 2 Borromeo String Quar»
AUG 2 Boston Pops in Lenox»
AUG 3 Arias Aloft in Bosto»
lang lang: tiny desk (home)»
marin alsop on her swing or»
mahan esfahani: tiny desk c»
cellist lynn harrell has di»
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anthony davis wins pulitzer»
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c.p.e. bach: mercurial dive»
classical music news - leo»
classical music news - aug»
is bach better on harp?»
julian bream, maestro of g»
a woman takes the podium a»
he wasn’t toscanini, but h»
9 things to do this weeken»
classical music news. diab»
another trump blunder»
from concerts to cartoons:»
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Giuliani, Mauro (27 July 1»
Onslow, George (27 July 17»
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Korvet “Egg” Tonearm
Lamm ML-2 Single-Ended »
LF Transformer for 6C33C
Vitavox S2/S3 diaphragms
REL Precedent 646C tuner
Mid-range tantrix round»
Micro-Seiki MAX-282 To»
Micro-Seiki Arm Board
Vitavox S2 Compression »
Lamm L2 Reference pream»
Rohde & Schwarz EU-6201»
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