Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: But...what if it works anyway???Posted by Paul S on: 11/14/2008
I don't remember them putting it this way, but maybe the 2 X 106 V pulse blasts a Quantum-Tunnel-less tunnel through the wire/assembly?  How cool would that be?

Whether or not this is the case, I think they should claim it is.  Anyway, they seem to be all over the "lay" of the cables, and all that neat-o stuff...

Sorry, guys; I guess I'm going to have to get outside help (again...)

Money back guarantee?  The cables are a slam dunk!  And I'm sure I can come up with a logical reason to try the AC-helper stuff, too...

(not that I'm desparate)

(oh, yeah.. I already said that...)

One true thing is that they don't have to know what they've done or how they've done it, really, in order for it to be of use.

(not that I'm desparate, or anything...)

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site