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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Jessie Dazzle Project
Post Subject: "Bottomless" bassPosted by Paul S on: 4/3/2008
Well, congratulations, Jessie, and welcome back to the Surreal World!

For a while there your posts were reading like a dime novel!

I hope you will try the doubled ML2s to see if you also hear the unusual effect the ML2 has on bass.

What I get is the sense that it just keeps going, like listening down a mine shaft, or something, except in 4-D.

Now that I've identified it I am very reluctant to let it go just to get "tighter" bass, or whatever it is we mostly take as "bass".

There was a time that I figured to just use a SS plate amp or a boosted version of same, or whatever to take over and lift the roll-off below 38 Hz,  But that just won't do it for me anymore, because now I realize there is still important "Music" down there.

The ML2 may not go "deeper" with synth bass; I really don't know - or care.  But it does seem to keep its amazing harmonic integrity down as far as I am able to detect by hearing, and it also retains an "open" quality that integrates but does not co-mingle harmonics and ambience from top to way the Hell down there.

Maybe some other amps do this, too; but I have not heard them.

My recent bitching about the ML2 has mostly stemmed from the fact that I have discovered and reveled in this intoxicating low-end capability, but then it turns out it only really blooms when the electricity is right for it.

IMO, it is worth playing with/dialing in your sources and upstream gear and speakers and futzing with plate loading until you can at least hear what the ML2 can do before you start off in another direction.

Anyway, it's good to hear you're in recovery. 

I hope you will post some pictures soon.

Best regards,
Paul S

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