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In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: The "new" Shostakovich 10th symphony
Post Subject: Pease, leave all that politically-sentimental sensationalism alone.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/24/2007
 JANDL100 wrote:
Yes, of course, there is much submission to the powers that were in many DSCH orchestral works - his life, and the lives of his family were literally at stake, after all. Stalin was not a nice or forgiving man.
Jerry, this is not the view that I share. The western propaganda for years has been moronically selling Shostakovich to western “consumers” as some kind of “Soviet sufferer” but is was absolutely not true. Shostakovich was very much the subject and the properly of the soviet machine, the machine that Shostakovich fully and with great enthusiasm embraced and was taking a full benefit of it. I have no time now to go into more details but it would be much more correct to keep Shostakovich music separately form the bogus foretells that were invented about Shostakovich and his surrounding.

Rgs, the caT

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