Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: A great conductor - but almost unknown - Anton Nanut
Post Subject: The more the better! & what would Beethoven think?!Posted by JANDL100 on: 10/17/2007
Interesting comments Romy & mats.   I must admit that I enjoy a variety of orchestral sounds with Beethoven - the VPO, Berlin Phil, LAPO, Chicago, LSO - all are "traditional" orchestral sounds but all are different.   And of course the "authentic instrument" bands - I think Norrington's old London Classical Players sound wonderful in Beethoven - but very different to the more traditional orchestras listed above.   I enjoy them all!

And I wonder what Beethoven would have expected - he certainly wasn't composing with the 'Chicago sound' in mind  :-)     
I suspect he would be much more likely to recognise the LCP or the Hanover Band!

For me, the success of a Beethoven performance comes down to interpretation, not orchestral sound. I think Nanut has a lot to offer, and a very distinctive & worthwhile offering it is.

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