Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: ... and some Bruckner buzz
Post Subject: Reasons for Poor LPs?Posted by Paul S on: 12/9/2023
Romy, thanks for another nudge toward Bruckner. I was not at all aware of Schuricht before your post, and I do like what I heard of his 8th and 9th via headphones, off the computer, although I realize this is a just thumbnail version. You have said several times that there is no good Bruckner from LPs, and I remember you complained a while back that your Jubilee cartridge was acting up, and I wondered if this made Bruckner harder for you to get from LPs. If you feel, as I do, that Sound is very important for Bruckner appreciation, then you also think "the best" recorded performances must be replicable. I have to pay close attention to set up to get the performance from my old London 7th LPs, using my old, refurbished MC 3000 II cartridge.

Best regards,
Paul S

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