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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Single-stage Melquiades vs. DHT amps
Post Subject: The minor day of Quartets.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/18/2009

I am in minor scale mode toady and play mostly chamber music and only records. FM broadcasts with all their majesty are hardly objective tool to assess what doing on with audio. So, I play records and tapes. Besides everything I am trying to figure out if my DHT map is working in a way I want. I would like to say that it is but most of the time I do not see a lot of difference “before” and “after”. I think today or tomorrow if I have time I will fine calibrate all channels and perhaps my view change but for now it is how I see the things:

There is not a lot of difference I can recognize between performance of my right channel with single-stage amp (with new no film PS filtration) and the performance of my left channel with DHT. There is some difference and it might be so far described like this:

1)      The DHT plays a bit more flexibly. The tones enter own boundaries kind softer and it is while the channel maintains the same transient and contrast characteristics. It is like you lay down on a floor a toolbox with hammers and screwdriver vs. you lay down on a floor a very delicate vase made from very think glass.  I am sure you would care the vase more delicately, so the DH channel, at lease it appears like this as now.

2)      The imaging that Macondo use to throw is not there. I know, I know. Now some Morons of Joe Roberts begin to complain that I use the word “imaging” and that they heard it 32 year backs. The subject of their protest would be that they were clueless then as clueless now what it all means and thereof I shall not be mentioning it. Well, let leave the audio-handicapped alone, I hope they learn a few new audio-words and will impress the hoodlums at audio trade shows – there is their level. In really imaging is a very first indicator that something is wrong and even a system organizer does not know yet how to USE imaging then imaging might be an early warning debagging tool.  So, Macondo’s imaging is kind of odd. I play Brahms and Schumann by Guarneri Quartet and the Haydn –dedicated Mozart’s quartets by Quartetto Italiano.  The music is there but imaging is in a way very primitive. This effect of mental layering is not there, the way how tone delivered from right to left is kind of mechanic and unmagic, the dynamic of depth is there but it being used kind of vulgar. It is generally friendly sound imaging-wise but not sophisticated. I have no idea at this point what it is, I will look into it further.

Anyhow, I think Macondo calibration will be revised a bit. The channels and filters stay where they are but the arrangement of the outputs will be slightly changed. I have an idea what I would like to go, let see where it might bring me…

The Cat

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