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Horn-Loaded Speakers

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Posted by premington on 12-24-2008
Happy Holidays, Everyone! First time poster...

Does anyone know where in the US I can purchase a new Electro-Voice DH3 high frequency driver (tweeter) and matching horn (perhaps the HP94--any suggestions?)? I can't find any vendors online that sell these components, which amazes me! The few I do find are out of the country. Why? Does EV not sell raw speaker components in the US?

I have a 15" three-way homebrew system I built a good 27 years ago. The box is an exact replica of an old classic bass reflex Altec Lansing cabinet my father had when I was a little boy (quite large and heavy). I measured them exactly, then rebuilt them.

One of my tweeters gave up the ghost, so I'm looking at replacing it. Seems easier said than done... Wish I could find someone to buy it from!

Thanks for the help, folks!


Posted by drdna on 12-24-2008
Hello Paul,

When I need to repair an old speaker, I always try Orange County Speakers ( or Simply Speakers ( They are very good at sourcing old speaker parts and repairing tweeters, etc. I believe they both have Electrovoice parts.


Posted by Wojtek on 12-25-2008
DH-3 driver -$75each
HT-94 horn  -$50 each

 Regards, W

Posted by premington on 12-27-2008
Hey, thanks for the info, guys! This is a great help. I've wasted a lot of time (hours) with no results, other than an eBay auction I'm watching. Depending what pans out with that, I'll order from the Jammin Website.



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